Our Mission
St. Johns Model HSS is a temple of knowledge, learning, and facilitating the evolution of every individual student into a competent citizen who will take part in the building up of nation and to face all the challenges of life with a deep commitment to social, spiritual, and ethical values.
The motto is "LOVE, SACRIFICE, and SERVICE" taken from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians 5:2 of the Holy Bible. It symbolizes the system of values that the institution seeks to propagate. Love entails service, and service entails self-sacrifice for others. The school does not only impart knowledge to its students but also teaches them to utilize it ethically and righteously for a better tomorrow. In addition to seeking excellence in education, the school stands for character formation, social-moral, and spiritual development of pupils as envisaged in the Christian ideals of service to God and to the nation.
- Academic Excellence with Social Commitment
- To be a center of excellence in Secondary and Higher secondary education.
- To produce a vibrant and strengthened teenager to face the challenges of life with moral competence and social commitment.
- To provide knowledge and skill with various academic programs and teaching methodologies.
The core values that are fiercely guarded by the management, faculty, and students of the school are:
=> Honesty and Integrity
=> Excellence in character formation
=> Commitment to Society
=> Faith in Spiritual Values
=> Love and Compassion towards Fellow Beings and Mother Nature
=> Nurturing local to global competence
=> Contribution to Nation-building